Radio Attic's Archives

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Here are all 0 radios published to the Archives or updated in the past 30 days or so.  Mouse-over the dot next to the model number to see a thumbnail image of the radio.  Click on the dot to go to a new page with photograph(s) of the radio.

A1  A2  A3  A4  A5  A6  A7  A8  B1  B2  C1  C2  C3  C4  C5  D1  D2  D3  
E1  E2  E3  E4  E5  F1  F2  F3  G1  G2  G3  G4  G5  G6  H  IJ  K  L  
M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  NO  P1  P2  P3  P4  P5  P6  R1  R2  R3  R4  R5  
R6  S1  S2  S3  S4  S5  S6  S7  S8  S9  T1  T2  UV  W1  W2  W3  XZ  Z1  
Z2  Z3  Z4  Z5  Z6  Z7  
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European Radios  |  Japanese Radios  |  Communications Radios  |  Boy's Radios  |  Dime Store Radios  

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The "Archives" are maintained just for fun by Steve Adams at the Radio Attic.
None of the radios in the Archives is for sale!

When cabinet material or color differences are apparent or suspected  in donated photos, I have included additional photos of certain model numbers.  Due to time constraints, I must rely entirely on the accuracy of information supplied by contributors with their photographs.  As such, no guarantee is made that the model numbers presented here are correct.

Images may be used for non-commercial purposes with attribution.
Please do not use, copy, or display these images for any commercial purpose.  Thank you.

© 2001, 2024  the Radio Attic