the Radio Attic Archives

Photographs contributed by Phil Bartells

American Wholesale Corp Dixie Five Truetone D-723 Pilot 123 Browning-Drake 5R Detrola 146 General Electric L-630
Philco 116X Sparton 141XX Olympic Tivoli 300 Olympic Opta Bela Luxus 5700W Freshman 5F5 Masterpiece Apex Super Five
Loewe-Opta Bella Luxus 5711W Hallicrafters S-41W FADA 790-B FADA 790 Series B Atwater Kent 657Q Angel 5A
Philco 38-5B Philco 37-60B Early General Electric L-513 Stewart-Warner 07-513H Zenith 6-B-107 Emerson AR-173
Emerson 671W Emerson 33AW Zenith 6-J-230 Stewart-Warner R-180-A Silvertone 1988 Fairbanks-Morse 58T2
Silvertone 4575 Zenith 6-S-128A Emerson BF-214 Sparton 141A Westinghouse H-104 Silvertone 4563
Zenith 12-S-266 Truetone D-1117 Crosley 517 Firestone S-7398-1 American Bosch 5A General Electric H-503
FADA LA60 Crosley 517 Early Philco 41-250T Zenith 8-S-154H Zenith 10-S-160 Crosley Sextet
Crosley 48 Widget Emerson DY-349 Hallicrafters SW-500 Belmont 5D128 Majestic 421 Guild 484 Spice Chest
Airline 84BR-1507B Grundig Majestic 2440-U Nordmende Boheme Jackson-Bell 556 Detrola 146 Stewart-Warner R-407
Bulova 2YC-23 Atwater Kent 10-4340 DeForest Crosley 1621 Stromberg-Carlson 635-B Northern Electric 620 Marconi 115
DeForest Crosley Drake Pilot T-601 FM Tuner Pilot T-133 Western Electric 521-CW Horn Speaker Zenith 5-R-312 Silvertone WLS Horn Speaker
Pilot 423 Radiola III-A Type RL AR-806 Majestic 440 Majestic 370 Victor Lumiere 1 Radiola III Type R1 AR-805
Radiola II AR-800 Grebe MU-1 (no chain) DeForest D-10 Echophone 40 Fairbanks-Morse Skyscraper Curtis AC-36
Silvertone 1809 Pilot K-115 AC Super Wasp Halson 50S Detrola 302 Atwater Kent 10-C Marconi 26
Stewart-Warner 1301 Interocean C-10 Stewart-Warner 123-5 Aristocrat Stromberg-Carlson 140M Gloritone 26P Crosley Pal
Delco R1150 Crosley RFL60 FADA 550 Detrola 4-D DeWald 612 FADA 740V
Thorola Islodyne 55

Photos donated by the late Phil Bartells.
Phil was part of the Radio Attic family for over ten years.

A1  A2  A3  A4  A5  A6  A7  A8  B1  B2  C1  C2  C3  C4  C5  D1  D2  D3  
E1  E2  E3  E4  E5  F1  F2  F3  G1  G2  G3  G4  G5  G6  H  IJ  K  L  
M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  NO  P1  P2  P3  P4  P5  P6  R1  R2  R3  R4  R5  
R6  S1  S2  S3  S4  S5  S6  S7  S8  S9  T1  T2  UV  W1  W2  W3  XZ  Z1  
Z2  Z3  Z4  Z5  Z6  Z7  
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The "Archives" are maintained just for fun by Steve Adams at the Radio Attic.
None of the radios in the Archives is for sale!

When cabinet material or color differences are apparent or suspected  in donated photos, I have included additional photos of certain model numbers.  Due to time constraints, I must rely entirely on the accuracy of information supplied by contributors with their photographs.  As such, no guarantee is made that the model numbers presented here are correct.

Images may be used for non-commercial purposes with attribution.
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