the Radio Attic Archives
Lloyds XR-200
Lloyds XR-200
Photos donated by Dan Collier (VE7DES).
To see all the photos Dan has contributed to the Archives, click here.
Solid state AM/FM radio made in Hong Kong. Comprises 10 silicon transistors (e.g. 2SC1416) and an odd number of diodes. Operates from AC line or 4 AA cells. Date codes on the transistors are "4" and "5," suggesting 1975 manufacture. The output stage is a complementary emitter follower without transformers. Audio output is optimistically rated at 3 watts. As usual for Asian-made radios, a material like beeswax has been slathered over the circuit board. Compliance with FCC Part 15 is asserted on the nameplate, and an added sticker assured Canadians that the radio also conformed to the applicable DOC rules.

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The "Archives" are maintained just for fun by Steve Adams at the Radio Attic.
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When cabinet material or color differences are apparent or suspected  in donated photos, I have included additional photos of certain model numbers.  Due to time constraints, I must rely entirely on the accuracy of information supplied by contributors with their photographs.  As such, no guarantee is made that the model numbers presented here are correct.

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