the Radio Attic's Archives

Challenge Radios Beginning with "F"

Here are all the Challenge radios in the Archives with manufacturer's name beginning with the letter F.  In those cases in which one model number is listed more than once, there were apparent variations in color, dial style/color, knobs, or year of manufacture in the images provided to the Archives.  Mouse-over the dot next to the model number to see a thumbnail image of the radio.  Click on the dot to see full-sized photograph(s) of the radio.  If you have any of these models and would like to send a series of new photos for the Archives, please do!  To see a different group of radios, click on a letter below to see radios beginning with that letter.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z   

         <- FADA 5F60 (1937) - Mike Schultz
         <- FADA 5F60 -
         <- FADA 5F60AR (1937) - Mark Toppo
         <- FADA 6A65C (1938) - Keith Park
         <- FADA 8 - Bob Hoke
         <- FADA 52 - Unattributed
         <- FADA 52/120/F55 -
         <- FADA 52/120/F55 -
         <- FADA 52/120/F55 -
         <- FADA 52/120/F55 -
         <- FADA 52/120/F55 -
         <- FADA 53/5F50/S5F60 -
         <- FADA 53/5F50/S5F60 -
         <- FADA 53X - Mike Herman
         <- FADA 63 (1937) - Bob Latino
         <- FADA 106 - Paul Turney
         <- FADA 115 - Mike Schultz
         <- FADA 115 - Mike Schultz
         <- FADA 115 - Mike Schultz
         <- FADA 115 - Unattributed
         <- FADA 115 - Mark Toppo
         <- FADA 115 - Tom Neely
         <- FADA 115 - Mark Toppo
         <- FADA 115 116 -
         <- FADA 116 - Mark Toppo
         <- FADA 119 - Unattributed
         <- FADA 136 - Mike Schultz
         <- FADA 141 - Unattributed
         <- FADA 160 - Conrad Field
         <- FADA 160-B - Tom Boyd
         <- FADA 200 -
         <- FADA 200 - Mike Schultz
         <- FADA 200 - Eric Perkins
         <- FADA 209 - Unattributed
         <- FADA 215 - Bill Jeffrey
         <- FADA 246 - Tom Neely
         <- FADA 246 - Tom Neely
         <- FADA 252 - Tom Neely
         <- FADA 252 -
         <- FADA 252 - Chris Classens
         <- FADA 252-BA - Lynn Toppo
         <- FADA 252T - Lynn Toppo
         <- FADA 254 - Lynn Toppo
         <- FADA 260 -
         <- FADA 260B -
         <- FADA 260G - Tom Neely
         <- FADA 272R -
         <- FADA 351J - Tom Neely
         <- FADA 354W -
         <- FADA 450 - Chris Classens
         <- FADA 450W - Ken & Mona DeLackner
         <- FADA 451T - Paul Turney
         <- FADA 461K - Steve Adams
         <- FADA 560B - Nicolo Salerno
         <- FADA 602 (1947) - Ben Martin
         <- FADA 652 - Mike Schultz
         <- FADA 652 - Mark Toppo
         <- FADA 652 (1945) - Chris Classens
         <- FADA 652 - Mark Toppo
         <- FADA 652 - Mark Toppo
         <- FADA 652 Temple -
         <- FADA 659 - Mark Toppo
         <- FADA 711 (1947) - Don Maurer
         <- FADA 711 (1947) - Lynn Toppo
         <- FADA 711 (1947) - Lynn Toppo
         <- FADA 711 (1947) - Chris Classens
         <- FADA 711 - Chris Classens
         <- FADA 795 (1949) - Greg Jewett
         <- FADA 1000 - Mike Herman
         <- FADA 1000 - Mike Schultz
         <- FADA 1000 - Tom Neely
         <- FADA 1000 - Lynn Toppo
         <- FADA 1001 - Jim Hauskins
         <- FADA 1005 - Bob Warren
         <- FADA 2437-AE - Thomas Grondin
         <- FADA D-174 - Bob Warren
         <- FADA L56 (1939) - Mike Schultz
         <- FADA L56 - Jim Hauskins
         <- FADA L56 136 SW57 -
         <- FADA L67T (1941) - Mark Stein
         <- FADA L96W - Unattributed
         <- FADA NA (1934) - Mark Stein
         <- FADA P-38 - Richard Smardzewski
         <- FADA P49 - Mary Pope
         <- FADA P-80 (1947) - Lynn Toppo
         <- FADA Radio Seven - Thomas Grondin
         <- FADA S-48G (1939) - Steven Sostrom
         <- Fairbanks-Morse 9A - Greg Armstrong
         <- Fairbanks-Morse 91C4 - Ben Martin
         <- Fairbanks-Morse TS-72 (1936) - Dave Schmarder
         <- Falck 77 - Ken Gooding
         <- Farnsworth AT21 - Lynn Toppo
         <- Farnsworth AT-50 - John Goller
         <- Farnsworth BT-50 (1941) - Jim Dennis
         <- Farnsworth BT-54 - Unattributed
         <- Farnsworth BT-61 (1940) - Steven Dean
         <- Farnsworth BT-70 - Todd Homer
         <- Farnsworth ET-060 (1947) - Tom Voegtli
         <- Farnsworth ET-061 (1946) - Greg Mercurio
         <- Farnsworth ET-061 - Bob Latino
         <- Farnsworth ET-069 (1946) - Cliff Bradford
         <- Farnsworth GP-350 -
         <- Farnsworth GT-051 (1948) - Mike Biddison
         <- Farnsworth GT-051 - Gary Rabbitt
         <- Farnsworth SE-403 - Bob Warren
         <- Federal 1028T (1946) - Bob Latino
         <- Federal 1030 (1946) - Mark Toppo
         <- Federal 1540T Oriental - Mark Toppo
         <- Federal E-10 - John Bartley
         <- Ferguson (UK) 3171 - Roger Smith
         <- Ferranti 546 - Gavin Fowke
         <- Fidelity 199 - Roger Smith
         <- Fidelity Floret - Roger Smith
         <- Fiesta Seven Transistor - Bob Warren
         <- Firestone 4-A-3 - Bob Warren
         <- Firestone 4-A-10B - Gary Rabbitt
         <- Firestone 4-A-21 - Steve Adams
         <- Firestone 4-A-23 (1946) - Cliff Bradford
         <- Firestone 4-A-27 (1947) - John Hartman
         <- Firestone 4-A-70 - Lynn Toppo
         <- Firestone 4-A-110 - Will Daniels
         <- Firestone 5-7798 - Tim Sullivan
         <- Firestone 291-6-572 - Unattributed
         <- Firestone 8370-43 - John Balliett
         <- Firestone R-166-A - Art Hoch
         <- Firestone R320 World's Fair- Mike Koste
         <- Firestone R3121 - Ron Potter
         <- Firestone S-7358-3 (1942) - Brad Matter
         <- Firestone S-7397-1 (1942) - Bob Horace
         <- Firestone S-7398 - Nicolo Salerno
         <- Firestone S-7398 - Nicolo Salerno
         <- Firestone S-7402-1 -
         <- Firestone S-7402-5 (1940) - Jim Dennis
         <- Firestone S-7403 - Nicolo Salerno
         <- Firestone S-7403-1 (1941) - Tammy Stewart
         <- Firestone S-7403-8 - Unattributed
         <- Firestone S-7403-8 - John Goller
         <- Firestone S-7405-5 - Art Hoch
         <- Firestone S-7426-5 - Mark Toppo
         <- Firestone S-7427-7 - Bill Jeffrey
         <- Firestone S-7476-6 - Sonny Clutter
         <- Flush Wall 5P - Lynn Toppo
         <- Flush Wall 5P - Lynn Toppo
         <- Four Star FS-25 - Bob Warren
         <- Freed 28 - Unattributed
         <- Freed 65 - Unattributed
         <- Freed NR-6 - Jim Sute
         <- Freed NR-9 (1927) - Cliff Bradford
         <- Freed NR55 - Brian Leach
         <- Freshman 5F-4 (1925) Masterpiece- Bob Hoke
         <- Freshman 6F-5 Masterpiece - Unattributed
         <- Freshman 545 (1934) - Steven Dean
         <- Freshman 655 Masterpiece (1937) - Bob Latino
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A1  A2  A3  A4  A5  A6  A7  A8  B1  B2  C1  C2  C3  C4  C5  D1  D2  D3  
E1  E2  E3  E4  E5  F1  F2  F3  G1  G2  G3  G4  G5  G6  H  IJ  K  L  
M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  NO  P1  P2  P3  P4  P5  P6  R1  R2  R3  R4  R5  
R6  S1  S2  S3  S4  S5  S6  S7  S8  S9  T1  T2  UV  W1  W2  W3  XZ  Z1  
Z2  Z3  Z4  Z5  Z6  Z7  
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The "Archives" are maintained just for fun by Steve Adams at the Radio Attic.
None of the radios in the Archives is for sale!

When cabinet material or color differences are apparent or suspected  in donated photos, I have included additional photos of certain model numbers.  Due to time constraints, I must rely entirely on the accuracy of information supplied by contributors with their photographs.  As such, no guarantee is made that the model numbers presented here are correct.

Images may be used for non-commercial purposes with attribution.
Please do not use, copy, or display these images for any commercial purpose.  Thank you.

© 2001, 2024  the Radio Attic